Okul Temizliği - Wilco Group - Wilco İnsan Kaynakları ve Hizmet A.Ş.
Okul Temizliği


School Cleaning

We have determined that school cleaning in Turkey is done unconsciously and that there are no standards. We bring a new dimension to the school cleaning industry in Turkey with the School cleaning system we developed in our own R&D department...

As we know, schools are the areas where infectious diseases spread the most. For this reason, school cleanliness is very important both in terms of providing education in healthy environments and protecting public health.

We base school cleaning on EU standards for school cleaning. In this system, we use materials according to color codes and clean each unit of a school with materials of different colors. Thus, we offer students and families the opportunity to supervise the cleaning.

In the school cleaning system, cleaning is done moist, not wet. Because wet cleaning pollutes more than cleansing. In other words, it makes it easier for bacteria to spread. In moist cleaning, 100% hygiene is ensured by preventing the transfer of bacteria and cross-contamination. Specially designed mats are cleaned in special machines developed for the Project, moistened with environmentally friendly cleaning agents that do not harm human health, and packaged like wet wipes.
Ayrıca en önemli detaylardan biri, kullandığımız bütün aletlerin ergonomik olması. Yani araçlarımız temizlik çalışanı arkadaşlarımızı fiziken keyifsiz etmiyor ve yormuyor. Temizlik çalışanları, mikrofiber paspas bezini de başka silme bezlerini de bir defa kullanıp, temizlemeye gönderiyor. Her bez, türüne göre hiç bir zaman birbirine karıştırılmadan, değişik makinalarda yıkanıp, bir daha kullanıma hazır hale getiriliyor.